I suppose it’s normal for people of my age to have mobility problems, but my problems had gone on for several years. Every day, getting up cost me immense effort and pain. Injections didn’t help anymore and the only option was to replace the joint. After carefully weighing up all the pros and cons, I decided to go to a private clinic, despite the cost. I chose Clinica Orthopedica because it had a very good reputation and high-quality, certified prostheses. It was also close to where I live. I appreciate the approach of the doctors and nurses, and especially the short wait for the operation. Everything went very smoothly and after a few weeks, I was able to walk with just one crutch. Now 3 years have passed and despite my age, I can get around without pain. Once again, thank you very much to everyone at the clinic, especially the doctors, who are really masters in their field.