What is the procedure for an examination?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the most accurate spatial image of soft tissue in a studied location – an inside view that provides maximum accuracy without any incision. Our newest, specialised MRI scanner is one of its kind and is designed to scan the meniscus, ligaments, cartilage, intervertebral discs, bone swelling and changes in muscles, tendons and other soft tissues. Another unique advantage is the possibility to scan certain locations in motion, which adds value to the examination. We are also able to carry out post-operation scans and scans of implants using modern titanium materials.

The most important aspect and the greatest added value of an examination in our clinic is the possibility for direct communication between the orthopaedic surgeon, the laboratory technician operating the instrument and the doctor who writes up the results of the examination. This unique cooperation helps to ensure the most accurate possible results of the examination, which leads to faster and more successful treatment.

Another benefit of our system over a standard MRI scanner:

  • easier access and movement of the patient
  • more comfortable examination for patients with claustrophobia
  • less risk for patients with metal implants
  • less image degradation in the case of metal implants
  • the possibility to examine limbs in different positions and in motion
  • less noise during the examination


How long does an examination last?

The length of an examination depends on the difficulty of examining the affected area; the average length is 30 minutes.

Will the examination hurt?

The examination does not hurt and can be repeated without side effects.

How should I prepare for the examination?

The examination does not require special preparation.